OPENING HOURS 1300 - 1800

Opening Hours opens the door to an alternate realm of consumption, starting from the ubiquitous retail shops on the streets to the labor and physical exertion behind commodity production, delving into consequences reflected in excess demands associated with social acceleration. The pressure to accelerate undermines the requisite attention and care for both products and the well-being of laborers. As we reflect on the implication of speed of modernity, is consuming our own bodies the only way to escape?

以展覽名稱 Opening Hours 開展對消費的思考,從街上無處不是消費的場所,到商品生產背後的勞工與身體勞動,大量的需求讓社會加速,生產的物質變得輕薄又脆弱,勞動的身體則僵硬與變質,在加速製造的撞擊之下,我們是否只有耗費掉自己的身體才能夠脫離呢?